Negotiation, Facilitation and Mediation:

Principles and Practices

21st. September 2011



Developing Case Studies


In the third session we will finalize the formation of case study groups. Read the first three chapters of Kaner et al. so as to begin developing your understanding of facilitation. We will be reading all chapters of this book during the term, timing the reading so that you have information about techniques as you begin to need and use them in class exercises and group case study work. Kaner is a book that you can dip into as you need advice. After reviewing people's experiences in getting started and answering questions about the Assignments, we will devote the majority of the session to convening in your emerging case study groups and providing time for you to get them underway and for me to answer any questions you might have. This is the first time you will convene to do work in small groups and so think about how to approach them most productively. Kaner et al. will give you some background on this. The Basic Facilitation Primer provided by the International Association of Facilitators is very much appropriate to helping you get started with simple strategies and techniques. The supplementary reading by Lang and Taylor amplifies the ideas of the "reflective practitioner" that were introduced in reading Furlong. You will find it useful as you relfect on your experiences in and outside of class and can stimulate thoughts for journaling.


Kaner, S. et al. 2007. The Facilitator's Guide To Participatory Decision-Making. 2nd Edition. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Chapters 1-3.

Key Links

Supplementary Reading

Lang, M.D. and Taylor, A. 2000. The Making of a Mediator: Developing Artistry in Practice. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. pp. i-22. Negotiation Materials Site


  1. Form case study groups and begin discussions in them to advance ideas for designing case studies.

For Next Class

Please review the type of agreement that was reached in previous classes on the procedures for the participation portion of the grade so that we may talk about it in class on the 28th September.


Class Participation Grade

At class during September it was agreed that

Criteria for group mark



Group negotiation case studies