PLAN 597

Planning for Water Resources Management

Socio-Economic Systems II: 30th January 2008


Technologies and Values: Canada and the World

In the second part of the morning we will examine Canadian and global perspectives on water use and the values associated with water resources. In both contexts commentators talk about a "crisis". Are they right? In what ways might commentators differ? What is the analytical framework that we should employ in considering the value of water?

Readings for second 1 1/2 hours today:

Water: A Shared Responsibility. 2006. The United Nations World Water Development Report 2. Executive Summary (read the Executive Summary of this recent assessment to develop an appreciation of the global perspective on the progress and challenges in planning for water resources management and meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs); give particular attention to ways in which it characterizes the connection between water and health (Chapter 6) and elaborates the range and diversity of values to be taken into account (Chapter 12) - here is a link to the full UNESCO report if you should want to read any of its more detailed chapters)

"Fresh water resources in Canada" in Human Activity and the Environment Annual Statistics 2003; (review Section 2.1 and prepare for discussion of tables and figures indicated below)


If you are interested in learning more about what the World Health Organization calls the "silent emergency" in providing clean water and basic sanitation take a look at Meeting the MDG drinking-water and sanitation target: A mid-term assessment of progress WHO 2004




  1. Canada
  2. The Global Challenge