Previously in my classes we have agreed upon the following approach for arriving at the class participation portion of the grade:
- there would be a group grade for the 10% of the total course grade allocated to class participation;
- in addition, any individual can ask to meet the instructor at any time if they would like his comments on their class participation;
- in the last class of the term the group grade will be determined through the following procedures:
- going around the table each individual, including lastly the instructor, would summarize (2 minutes max.) their assessment of the group's performance using the agreed on criteria;
- after this, each individual, including the instructor, writes down a percentage grade and gives this to the instructor;
- then each individual, including the instructor, who is willing, would tell the group their grade; and
- the group grade would be calculated as the mean of all those given, including the instructors.
- Cooperation
- Equal opportunity to speak
- KISS (Keep It Short and Simple)
- GTY Principles
- Attendance of class as a whole
- On topic, concise, relevant
- Original, provocative