Facilitator's Introduction to Session 3
Tony Dorcey
What will be the critical skills required of planners over the next
Summary Comments
- Planners are seen as needing to be multiskilled, more than ever before.
The breadth and diversity of skills is reflected in Leonie's five literacies
(TAMED: Technical, Analytical, Multicultural, Ecological and Design)
- Generic capabilities are central: Analysis, synthesis, criticism, problem
solving, integration, judgement
- Planning research methods and tools need to include varied quantitative
and qualitative techniques including both statistical and mathematical
- Communications and process skills are critical for facilitating interactions
among highly diverse individuals and knowledges (interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity);
using oral, graphic and written forms; employing negotiation, facilitation
and mediation techniques; capable of team-building, teamwork, relationship
building, and networking; and adept in the use of IT.
- Organizational development, management and leadership skills are essential.
Breakout Questions
- What do students need to know to have basic literacy in techniques
and related skills? What and how much understanding is necessary for an
initial skill set?
- How are skills best taught and learned?
What approaches to planning education do you see becoming more important
over the next decade?
Summary Comments
- The focus should be on learning for planning practice, integrating
theory and practice, and practicing inter- and trans-disciplinarity.
- The approaches should be applied, hands-on, practical, real world and
utilize studios, workshops, practicums, include group/team projects and
case and field studies in the community, and exploit learning-by-doing
and cooperative learning.
- Continuing professional development, career-long learning and meeting
the needs of non-traditional students will require programs that are short/intensive,
conveniently scheduled for evenings/weekends, supplemented by distance
learning and mid-career options.
- Practitioners should be more fully involved as instructors, mentors/coaches,
"practitioners-in-residence", and new professoriate.
Breakout Questions
- How can greater involvement of practitioners be facilitated?
- What needs to be done to ladder career-long learning opportunities?